The West Carleton Family Health Team is not accepting new patients at this time. **Please call Health Care Connect to find providers accepting patients in your area**
To find a family doctor or nurse practitioner in your area, please register with Health Care Connectonline,or by calling 1-800-445-1822 (registration is free).
If you are pregnant and need a physician for prenatal care…
Our obstetrical team of physicians will accept patients with or without a family physician during your pregnancy. If you have a family physician, you will return to their care after the birth of your child. If you do not have a family physician, you can make a request with the obstetrical physician to accept you and your child into the practice after your delivery. If you are pregnant, call our office medical reception (613-839-3271) and request an obstetrical appointment.
If you are a new patient to our clinic and looking for more information, check out:
Patients for more information about appointment types,
Services for more information about our internal services available to you, and a list of uninsured services,
Patient Portal for information on our online portal and App,