Select any of the links listed below for information and local resources. Although we have taken care selecting this list, we cannot accept any responsibility for the content published by the authors. Please consult websites for up to date information.
Community and Peer Support Mental Health Supports for Health Care Workers Mental Health Support for Children and Youth Parents’ Lifeline of Eastern Ontario - 1-855-775-7005 - parent peer support for parents whose children are facing mental health challenges, available 9 am - 7 pm Monday to Friday. A Friendly Voice - 613-692-9992 or 1-855-892-9992 - support for individuals in Ottawa over the age of 65 who are feeling the impacts of loneliness, available 7 days a week from 8 am - midnight. Please note that this is not a crisis line, but they can connect individuals to additional community supports Good2Talk - 1-866-925-5454 or text GOOD2TALKON to 686868 - confidential support services for post-secondary students in Ontario NEDIC - Eating Disorder Helpline - Live Chat or Phone Call - 1-866-NEDIC-20 (toll-free) or 416-340-4156 (Toronto) Togetherall - An online peer-to-peer support community for your mental health, available 24/7 at no cost. BounceBack - A free skill building program managed by the Canadian Mental Health Association to help individuals aged 15+ manage mood, mild to moderate depression and anxiety stress or worry. The Good Companions Seniors Centre Without Walls - Programs are multi-person phone conversations (or conference calls). Champlain Community Support Network - Services including grocery and pharmacy delivery, meals on wheels, telephone safety checks, and transportation for seniors.
Balance - offering a free one year subscription to meditation app HealthyMinds App - primarily created for post-secondary students but may be appropriate for other ages as well, an app to track feeling and mood created by The Royal Ottawa Ottawa Public Library - content for leisure and learning at the tip of your fingertips National Arts Centre - on-demand videos from Canadian artists Information, Articles, Workbooks