Select any of the links listed below for information and local resources. Although we have taken care selecting this list, we cannot accept any responsibility for the content published by the authors. Please consult websites for up to date information.
Queerios Youth Drop-In (Ages 12-18 years) Social group for LGBTQ+ youth. Meet new people in a safe space focused on inclusion, belonging, and respect. Access resources and gain support from staff. Thursdays 5:00 – 8:00 pm; 170 Castlefrank Rd. Kanata (Lion Dick Brule Community Centre) Ph: 613-591-3686
LGBT Youthline Confidential, non-judgemental & informed LGBTTQQ2SI peer support. Phone, text, and online chat. Ph: 1-800-268-9688 Text: 647-694-4275
Saefty Ottawa Support and education for trans youth in Ottawa.
Kind Peer-led support, education, advocacy & referral services for the GLBTTQ community. Ph: 613-563-4818
PFLAG Canada – Parents and Friends of LGBTQ+ People General concerns with issues of sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. Support, education, and resources to anyone with questions or concerns. Ph: 1-888-530-6777
Trans Lifeline Peer support service run by trans people, for trans and questioning callers. Ph: 1-877-330-6366
2SLGBTQI+ Around the Rainbow Located at Family Service Ottawa, 613-725-3601 Individual counselling 18+ Youth group, Transcend, for 11-17 year olds; parent support groups etc.